About the Frequency of 432HZ
432 Hz is rooted in history, geometry, science, architecture and more. From the Egyptian pyramids to Stone Henge and the Schumann resonance, numerous occurrences of this mystical number have been uncovered from different corners of the globe.
432 Hz is the frequency in which DNA replicates. Harmonizing with the natural frequency of light has a direct and powerful effect on the DNA of every living creation, particularly human beings. 432Hz also has a beneficial effect on the chakras. 432Hz accelerates the spiritual and mental development, especially in babies and young children.
These Tb’s have been programmed to clear all negative energy and have been designed to clear the area whilst performing Magic, Praying, and Manifestation. They will also bring the added benefit of reducing the effects of negaive energy from wireless devices, EMF and radiation damage.
Crystal’s and Metal’s in these Tower Buster’s
The Metals and Crystals are the most important part of Orgonites so this is why I add more than just one metal and more than just one crystal to each Tower Buster.
Each metal radiates a colour and frequency and I wanted the full colour spectrum to radiate out of these Tower Busters from every direction, something which I have wanted to do for the last few years but until now it had eluded me. Colour has a massive impact on our life without us even knowing it, the more colours and frequencies Orgonites radiates the better and more powerful it becomes and the better it is for us. These tower busters now radiate the full colour spectrum thanks to the metals within these Tower busters.
I have also added the following metals and crystals to these super powerful Tower Busters; Titanium, Steel, Copper, Brass, 23ct Gold and Aluminium. The gemstones and crystals have been chosen based on their properties and ability to neutralise negative energy they are; Rose Quartz, Aquamarine, Herkimer Diamond, Rutilated Quartz, Topaz and Azumar.
They are self clearing and cleansing however it cant help burying them in soil to give the crystals a little recharge for 24 hours on a new or full moon every couple of months.