EACH PIPE NOW HAS A 741MHZ TENSOR RING UNDERNEATH RESONATES AT A HIGHER LEVEL AND NOT ONLY CLEARS CHEMTRAILS IT IS NOW EVEN MORE POWERFUL AT CLEARING ELECTROSMOG AND RADIATION. This Photon Orgone Chembuster/Cloudbuster Consists of 7 Copper pipes each filled with 2 x Double terminated Quartz Crystals with a Polyester Resin base with a high shine finish to give it a contemporary look the base has been filled with Monatomic Gold, 23k Gold Flakes, Copper, Tin, Brass, Steel, Iron & Aluminium (most Chembuster’s/Cloudbuster are only filled with Aluminium this is where mine differs). I have also decided to add hematite and magnetite so do not place near anything with a hard drive or memory card as it may wipe it. I add approximately 500g or 1 Kilo (2.2lbs) of Crystals (depending on which size you go for) such as Kyanite, Selenite, Shungite, Rutilated Quartz, Snow Quartz, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Black Tourmaline, Ametrine, Topaz, Mookaite, Red Pyrope Garnet, Serpentine, Chiastolite Cross, Turquoise, Lapis lazuli, Beryl, Aquamarine, Alum, Coral, Chaldeny & Sapphire.
Benefits of 741Hz Solfeggio Tensor Rings
Cleans the cell from the toxins. Frequent use of 741 Hz leads to a healthier, simpler life, and also to change in diet towards foods which are not poisoned by various kinds of toxins. It also cleans the cell from different kinds of electromagnetic radiations. Another important application of this sound frequency is cleansing infections – viral, bacterial, and fungal. This tone leads you to pure, stable and spiritual life.
This is best used Outdoors and has a radius of around a 100 yards. You can also add your own pipes to increase the radius to 500 yards by adding a three foot pipe to each.
How Orgonites Work
Everything around us is made up of atoms and they can communicate within each other by sending electrons this is done, for example in the same way as we communicate with each-other by talking we are basically atoms sending signals (electrons) to each other. All of the electrical devices such as Mobile (Cell) Phones, Routers, Laptop’s, Computers, IPods’ etc send out electrons but they are not harmonised, this causes our system to become out of synchronisation causing us to become stressed, have more allergies, put on weight and many other issues. Crystals, stones, earth and anything touching or from the earth possesses harmonised electrons this is why Photon Orgone use many crystals and gemstones in the chembusters. The metals within the polyester resin casing of the Orgonites attract the negative electrons it is then pushed through the crystals and then the negative electron comes out harmonised.